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Meet the Team

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May 2021, Team Lunch

April 2021, Hyde Park Picnic

June 2021, Team Paddle Boarding



Garreth Morgan joined Bubs in February 2021 as the Managing Director. He is responsible for the Logistics of the deliveries, quality checks, and the supply chain for Bubshire Ltd. Outside of work he enjoys playing/watching/talking about football and rugby, and live music. Garreth's electrical and engineering background makes him a great asset to Bubshire and has helped grow the company ten-fold since joining. If you see Garreth on his rounds of delivering; he enjoys a good cup of tea, one sugar with milk!


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Wendy Hulme is the Company Director for Bubshire Ltd. Her role is varied and exciting. You will at times see her out and about delivering packages (usually the igloo packages as they are her favourite), but mainly she is back at HQ working on the expansion plan, HR, sales & Marketing, and just generally keeping the business ticking along. Outside of work, Wendy likes to travel and meet new people from different backgrounds and cultures, she loves going on long walks in the countryside. If she isn't outdoors you will find her either at her laptop colour coding spreadsheets, scheming and planning for Bubshire or reading a novel. 



Dave joined the Midlands Branch in March 2021 bringing a wealth of practical knowledge with him. He is a treat to work with, always friendly and smiling. Customers enjoy Dave's upbeat enthusiasm when delivering the hot tubs and value his clear instructions, leaving the customer excited to jump in the hot tub! 


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Mel joined us as Delivery Team Lead in 2021 in the Lakes Branch in Kendal. Mel's practical demeanour and excellent & friendly customer service is invaluable to us here at Bubs, she really enjoys hearing all the reasons why people hire from us, such as Hen Dos, Birthdays, and long weekends away at local guesthouses. When Mel is not working with Bubs she is advocating the importance of being environmentally friendly and has become our environmental specialist regarding the chemicals we use and the sustainability of our supply chain. or walking her beloved Cocker Spaniel. Mel and Wendy went to University together at Loughborough when neither predicted that they would be working alongside each other for a Garden Entertainment Company, but we're so glad Mel joined the team!




Vicky was our second recruit in the Lakes Branch in Kendal after joining us in June 2021. She is enjoying meeting all the different families whilst out delivering hot tubs. Vicky likes to spend time outdoors with her dog, Ned, and her wife paddle boarding, kayaking, and outdoor swimming. We are very lucky to have Vicky and her outstanding organisation and communication skills here at Bubs!




Ned is 4. He is the Lakes Mascot and is a dog. He likes food and walks and paddle boarding.

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