When it comes to bringing relaxation home, we've got your back, but we understand that you're probably not planning on hiring a hot tub from us every single day of the year and will no doubt have moments when you just want to chill-the-heck-out. My current relax-athon starts by jumping in the hot tub (set at about 37-38 degrees Celsius), popping headphones in, sitting back and relaxing with my favourite chill out playlist. My favourite list of tunes is Gregory Porter, Jack Savoretti, Bears Den, and Tash Sultana (you can thank me later if this is the first time you're hearing of any of these guys). Knowing that not everyone has access to a hot tub got me to thinking about how else someone might bring the relaxation home. So after chatting to our customers we have collated a list of our favourite alternative ways to relax at home.
Cook a meal from holiday. Think back to a time you were on holiday, you've taken a bite out of something unusual but delicious, and you've thought to yourself 'I could make this at home!' Then do it, make it at home. Its a great way to have some me time, coupled with a bit of a treat, whilst being functional too, as everyone needs to eat dinner..!
Solitaire. Designed to be played alone, its a great distraction from your everyday stresses and responsibilities. Grab a deck of cards, put some quiet background music on and sort out those red and black suits. If you cant complete it, it doesn't matter- you're playing on your own so no one will ever know!
Yoga. An obvious one for relaxation, but have you ever tried the 'Utkatasana' which is also known as the 'awkward pose'. Always take care when trying yoga for the first time as you could seriously injure yourself, but giving it a go is a great way to de-stress, have a bit of fun with this odd pose labelled 'awkward' ! Trying something new whilst focussing on your physical being can result in some excellent mental awareness benefits.
Take your neighbour's dog for a walk. There're a few caveats with this one. If you don't have your own dog, if your neighbour does have a dog, if your neighbourly-relationship allows, then why not ask to borrow the doggy and go a walkies? Fill those lungs with fresh air whilst having an incredibly happy and grateful companion at your side- there is nothing more satisfying than a happy & grateful dog!
Turn your phone off and put it in someone else's pocket. Try it. The world will not implode, I promise. Just make sure its someone you know and trust's pocket! You'll feel better for it, plus it will help train your brain not have a default setting of 'must check my phone'. Remove the distractions and obligations that come hand in hand with a smart phone just for 30 mins or an hour.
Spend time with your other half. If you're lucky enough (or unlucky enough as the case may be) to have an other-half, sit down together without the tv or your phones, and plan your next holiday, or create your list for your weekly food, or date night ideas, or how about a list what movies you both want to watch together. If you don't have an other half, phone a friend.
Hop on a Paddle board. Getting outdoors is a great way to reset. Try paddle boarding, its a really good form of exercise, a fantastic reason to get outside, its a brilliant way to burn calories and lose weight whilst having fun and being out on water can be very relaxing. If you're anything like me, I'm much more likely to do something that is a fun form of exercise rather than an actual workout, so paddle boarding is perfect, especially if there are added mental health benefits.
You tube Tutorials. If you're stuck for ideas on how to relax but want a quick fix of something that takes you away from your every day life, then just grab a seat, and get YouTube on. What's the latest trend on knitting patterns? How do you make flavoured tea? How does the Severn bridge get cleaned? How was the London underground built? Get curious and YouTube it'!
Build a den in your house. Remember that fortress you built when you were a kid? The one you played in for endless hours, drawing, colouring in, playing with cars, dolls or pogs (showing my age now), well who said they were just for adults? Setting an area aside that is perfectly catered for you and your relaxation needs is invaluable, if you can throw a sheet over the top to make it fortress-y then even better! Grab your book, your note pad, your earphones, a water bottle, and set up camp, indoors.
Take care of yourself, its the only self you've got.
Wendy Hulme
Company Director
Bubshire Ltd